This is kind of 2 blogs in one, I love killing 2 birds with one stone... but I don't love that saying. Who is trying to kill a bird with a stone anyway?
Anniversary # 7!!!!!
Monday morning started out with JM leaving for work and returning home with roses and telling me that he was staying home from work! That was all I needed... Happy Anniversary to me! The End.
Nope, JM had planned a night out to a BEAUTIFUL Bed and Breakfast downtown. We left the house after the kids went down for a nap ( in the care of their wonderful Poppy and Mimi) and we headed out to a movie. Now we aren't 'movie' people. We don't go to the latest and the greatest movies. When an opportunity presents itself to go out just the two of us without kiddos, we don't typically head straight for the theatre. So basically, a trip to the show was a treat. This anniversary we just enjoyed living life together. He stole my rings from my jewelry box and had them cleaned. He tied them to a champagne bottle with the same string that was tied on my engagement ring when we he proposed. It was good.
He made the day exciting and all about US. We haven't made things all about US in a while... He is a good man with a good heart.The next morning we had a delish breakfast with 2 other couples and a woman staying at the B&B and it was a treat to talk to other people about their lives and what they're doing and where they're going. It can't be beat.

I'll remember this one forever. Anniversary 7 was good.
Farmers Market:
Just some kids and some friends and so my morning was great. I packet the babes in the carthis morning and we drove a whole 1/2 mile up to the square for the weekly farmers market. There so many times that I avoid little adventures because its hard to get out with Zay, Bean and Anna BUT today we did it. It was crazy hot but lemonade, Popsicles, shade and breezes made it all bearable. I love walking the street and seeing all the goods that are to be had. The fresh veggies and honey, homemade bread and sweets, its all beautiful and I just feel healthy for being there. It was a little challenging with all three but between Tatum and Amy holding Zaya and Bean's hands and Heather pushing them in the stroller while I fed Anna a popsicle, it was manageable. What would I do with out great friends? Katie, we missed you!!!

It seems that there is a new place opening on the square that sells women's athletic clothing. Its a Canadian based store and apparently its a big deal that we're getting one. They're pumping it up by having free yoga classes! I wish I had more info to share!