I've been away from blogland for a while but I wanted to post some new pics of my rapidly growing kiddos. As the mom of 2 now my life feels crazy but I LOVE it! JM makes it easy (when he's home!)and my kids are precious:)
Jacob's first bath.

Daddy and his mini-me!

Daddy's little helper

Feeding bro a cookie.

My pretty princess

Dang! I love his smile!

Little ones in the bed

Y'alls kids are the cutest! So...I heard about the 'flood'. How awful. So sorry guys! We miss y'all!
hey yall. Cute pics. Jacob is adorable. Isaiah is as cute as ever. Miss yall!
amy here:
i think john mark has 2 mini-me's! they both look so much like him!
its a trait that runs in the baileys as well, both those kids are mini-me kyles!!!!
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