JE has now been with us for almost 4 months and we are just now getting to know him... isn't that crazy!!! I mean in the past 3-5 weeks he has really come into his own and has this amazing personality! He amazes me everyday how different he is from his sis (I shouldn't be surprised, right?!). Everyone always SAYS that kids are really different but I wasn't going to believe it until I saw it for myself:) At first I thought that this little guy was high maintenance because I couldn't get him on a schedule but once I let him make up his own I realized how easy he is too. When he is happy, he is VERY happy but when he is sad, oh, everyone in a 10 mile radius knows it. I say he is passionate and just knows what he wants:) He falls asleep in my arms and I LOVE that and his smile is literally breath taking. It is so big and bright that when he does it you just have to stop and smile back no matter what is going on. JE loves to sleep. I'm told that babies at this age should sleep 14 hours a day and I work real hard to keep him from sleeping more than 17...
JE is also VERY long and fat. I have to remind myself and others how young he is because I find myself expecting him to do things that a 6 or 7 month old would do because thats what he looks like, but he's still just an itty bitty guy:)
I love him more everyday with every moment that I get to just look at him and enjoy life with him. He loves IG and she can make him go from tears to giggles in 1.5 seconds... its amazing! I feel blessed beyond anything I deserve and I can't wait to learn more about him tomorrow!
IGN update!
The girl is a rock star and is my favorite comic. She loves to laugh and dance and pretend to talk on the phone... its so cute!!! I will do an IGN post soon!
That picture of IGN in B&W is beautiful!! And that picture of your little man smiling is also beautiful. I hope I have kids as beautiful and as happy as yours!! Love and miss you guys
That girl is amazing. What a privilege it is to know her.
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