Don't yall love some Buffett? I do, and were were all singing Margaretaville on the way to Target yesterday, and Im pretty sure his songs have been in my head ever since. It has been awesome having Bekahs parents here the last 9 days, and the time for them to leave has come, as they will head out tomorrow. This is also the same day we will be going to the hospital to have Bekah get induced, so we can see Jacob. Thats right we should have a St. Pattys day baby here, sometime tomorrow. I am excited to see him, and I am hoping that the grandparents can see him too. (You see they came up last week because the lovely Minnesota doctor-who should be fired- said that Bekah would probably have the baby w/in 24 hours! Who would say that?) Anyway, they came for all they could come (10 days) and it looks like they will just miss him, I mean literally by hours. But we are praying that things will happen quickly so that they can at least see Jacob before they head to the hospital.
Somtime around last August we found out that we were going to have another baby. I remember calling my folks and asking if they wanted the good news or the bad news first. I told them about Jacob on the way, and then told them that we had felt the Lord confirm that we are to be in Minnesota for a season. We have loved it up here, and have learned tons of things good and bad about who we are, who we want to be, and who the Lord says we are, and who he wants us to be. We wouldn't trade this time/ this season for anything and we needed to be here for a season. It looks like that season is coming to a close, as we just haven't been able to raise the financial support, and feel that the Lord is setting things up for us down south. So again I have good news and bad news...we are gonna have a baby, and we are moving again. We have the blessing of the leadership here to do what we need to. God has given us a car down there (which we would have needed to get another one, w/ me working) and we have a deal on an apartment to rent as well. Its funny how the Lord has shown us that this is right, and we are excited about the prospect of being back down there. Its bittersweet actually. We have made some good friends here, that we are excited about keeping, to connect with for years down the road. Please pray for us in this transition with Jacob, and with the upcoming move in April back to the southland. Thanks for stoppin' by.