Saturday, March 12, 2011

Spring time challenge!

It is spring time... not officially, BUT it feels like everything warm and delightful is busting at the seams here in my little world. Also , daylight savings begins tonight (or at like 2am tomorrow... to be exact!) and when we eat dinner at what feels like the middle of the day and my children are put to bed in full day light, THAT is spring my friends, that is spring. I love spring and all that comes with it(well, not allergies) but my favorite is the crazy clothes we end up wearing to make sure we are climate controlled through out the entire day. Its just comedy.
Check out her pose! (As well as the socks with sandals)

Singing songs and picking flowers
We're having a hard time not getting our way.

Well, we have commenced the moving process (happy and sad). So my house feels a little bare and personality-less. But is all a process right? I have a lot more to get rid of and pack up. Speaking of...

We have 2 and half weeks (roughly) before we're out of here and staying w/ the in-laws until our house is ready. SO instead of buying more and more food or having to pack up all that we have, I am going to have a 2 week challenge! We are going to eat from what we have for the next two weeks! Now, this may mean buying fresh produce on occasion but mostly I'm going to attempt to use all of our frozen, fresh and canned veggies between now and D-day.
I'm going to try to post at least every other day what we have been eating, and if it turns out good, I'll post the recipe... If it turn out poorly, well, we'll pretend it didn't happen. I posted pics of my pantry and fridge (I can't believe I'm putting this out there) in their current states and hopefully 2 weeks from now, they'll be empty. We'll see! (Monday night dinner I will be buying for because a crowd will be here and its not kind to subject them to my experiment!)

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