Friday, January 18, 2008

Sweet Girl

Tonight we are home and IGN went to bed at a normal time! When I was Ig's age I commenced a pretty serious battle with asthma and pneumonia that lasted quite a few years. So when our girl was waking up at night and fighting to breathe I was terrified that I had passed on something unfortunate to someone so sweet. Monday night we spent the night on the phone with an emergency line nurse who did very little to give me comfort or help in general. I'm not saying that they don't serve their purpose, but this guy was a little difficult to deal with when you have a sick baby. That night IGN slept with me and JM slept on the couch so that I could listen hear her if things got too bad. Around 3am she threw up a bunch of loveliness which thankfully cleared up her air-way and she slept nice and quiet until the morning. She was pretty pitiful all day Tuesday just flopping around the house but seemed to have improved since the night before so we thought she was over the worst of if...

... and thats what we get for thinking! That night was horrible and I wasn't ready to deal with with the tele-male-nurse so we bundled her up and headed to the ER. They treated her with steroids (you should see the definition in her arms!) and breathing treatments which helped for an hour or so, so we headed home around 2am (ugh). By the time we were home her breathing got a little worse but she was sleeping pretty good, so again we were glad she was on the up-and-up.

The next morning I got her out of bed and immediately called our doctor because she was not sounding good. They couldn't take her until after 11:30am but by 10am she was struggling so bad we took her anyway and I was prepared to physically fight people to get her in to see the doc. When we got there they immediately made time for her and the doctor we saw was SO nice and reassuring. He admitted her to the hospital straight away and so, that is where we spent our next couple of days. The hospital staff was amazing and IGN won hearts in every department. When she would have spells of not being able to breathe, she would get up-set and cry which would make it worse, so we would walk her around our floor to calm her down, so she made lots of friends. IGN was such a big hit at the hospital that nurses from departments other than pediatrics were coming to see her to say 'bye' once we got released. It was adorable. It turns out she had croup but her lungs just couldn't handle it. So now we have to be SUPER cautious with her being around kids with colds, runny noses, coughs, etc because of how susceptible she is to developing croup. That stinks because we live on a CAMPUS with CHILDREN and we eat with OTHER PEOPLE EVERY MEAL! This will be interesting. I mean if there is kid with a runny nose in the nursery, I have to get the nursery worker to 'flash' my number so that I can get her out. Again, interesting.
Any way, so now we are home and happy and we are SO thankful for your prayers during this crazy time.

Daddy and his sick sleepy girl (check out her cute hospital outfit!):


ManUtd17 said...

It's miserable when they are miserable and you don't know what to do for them!

I didn't realize that when you move to Minnesota that you actually become susceptible to all those Little House on the Prairie illnesses like croup.

Hannah said...

poor baby! croup is not fun!! what hospital were you at?

sara. said...

Poor baby! That must have been more than a little scary...

carolineb said...

Your mom was telling us about your asthma, I didn't know. We're gearing up for Lindsey's wedding, I love to cook with GINI!!!

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