I was so proud of myself and JM and I have leftovers to last for years! (ok, that an exaggeration.) We do have a lot though and it will be fun enjoying it for the weekend. We had a meal with JM's good friend Jerome and his parents and aunt, who is over the house of prayer here. It was good times and good fellowship, we didn't 'disband' until after 7pm and we got together around 11am. Thats a long day! IGN was exceptionally cute and was the center of attention which is to be expected. She was sweet and cute despite her pitiful little cold that kept us on tissue alert all day.
Janna and Dwight (my bro and sis in-law) stopped by this evening with Schmale so IGN could get her puppy-dog fix and we could pet our little pup, who isn't our pup anymore. They also brought over a car seat that we had left at Janna's peep's house when the Nysewanders were here. Well IGN accepted the seat w/ pleasure and thought it was her throne... she was very proud to have a chair of her own to sit in like the big people. Just cuteness all over!
I hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving and although we had a great day we still missed our family and friends from GA. We'll see y'all in 28 days!
I love profile pictures of baby girl! She is so adorable. Congrats on the gorgeous bird, you're a turkey day star!
Yay for turkey day!
I love on the very top pic of IGN that you can see her eyelashes in her shadow on the wall.
Could that girl be any more beautiful?
And I just want to say to you (and all who are participating - but especially you...) that I'm so proud of you for blogging EVERY DAY in November. I cant even blog one day every month! Sorry friend.
But I've SO enjoyed reading them all... Now get down here!
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